DDD course basic notes!
by kkp
ReadModels and CQRS:
Base info
- (read models) Also called materialized views
Event Sourcing
Base info
- persisting all the details about data, instead of just the newest version od data
- it not only stores the data, you also store all the changes
- ReadModels and WriteModels separate the ways you change, and read data
- Main advantage is avoiding object rational mismatch (??? I could not understand what he was saying https://arkency.teachable.com/courses/537520/lectures/9769617)
- In case of mistakes, you compensate for them, instead of fixing the data, using correct events.
Base Info
- When presenting a problem, you should not immediately think about the solution cause you get caught in the solution domain. Pretty much never the first problem domain is a final one, and there is always more than one solution to a problem.
- Tactical patterns: patterns used in DDD that build the Domain.
- Value Object
- Entity
- Aggregate
- Domain Event
- Repository Pattern, Factory Pattern etc.
- Strategic patterns: those patterns in DDD are used to clear out and set concepts, communication and they define ubiquitous language
- Bounded Context
- Context maps
- Core and sub-domains
Tactical Pattern
Value Object
Its not a string, date, number, etc. its not a primitive type of data. They have no identity, they are identical to another VO if they have the same values. They are also immutable. It is usually a class that compounds attributes.
Domain object with unique identity. It is usually mutable. Something like ‘Product’, ‘Invoice’ etc. ActiveRecord::Base is close to it somewhat. They can be described by Value Objects.
Put simply it is just few entities together.
- Order(entity) has multiple OrderLines(entity), so they create an Aggregate when put together.
- Those ^ create an objects hierarchy on top of which we have aggregate root. It is usually provided with a conceptual name of an aggregate.
- When something changes in one part of the hierarchy, we get the whole aggregate, modify it, and save it in one DB transaction.
- Cluster of things that we operate on. We operate on the root, while nested stuff are implementation details, with some constrains.
Aggregates will often publish events. Role of aggregates is to protect certain business stuff, that need to be kept safe, when two objects state depend on each other, when one is not valid, when the other one has a certain state.
Strategic Pattern
Bounded Context
- Rails makes it hard to refactor nicely cause it has too many ways to access data through AR and it makes it impossible to know all the places affected by certain code changes. Alternative is DDD.
- Whenever something interesting happens in a certain domain we publish that information. Certain parts of code can subscribe to it and react to it in their own way, use it in their own data.
- So instead of one code using data controller by another code, they use an event published by that code based on its data.
- Makes it easier to detect what you are changing, what can you break when you refactor.
- They will have two things always
- Data (database, elastic, whatever)
- Code
- BC need to be isolated first and foremost, that is their goal, and their usage, to isolate contexts of codebases and databases, that are bounded together, from different contexts, that might need it, but need to be independent.
- Communication between BC happens through Domain Events, so when something happens in the code of BC, that can concern other BC, an event is being published. Other contexts receive this event, and does something with it.
CQRS (command query responsibility segregation)
- Based on cqs principal that states, that object should have no method that modifies and returns the data in its caller
- ReadModel and WriteModels are both optimized only to deal with their responsibilities to read/write instead of one object that has to handle both functionalities. This is also easier to change, when you have two models tailored for specific things. ReadModels are usually really simple, which makes them easy to redo from scratch, refactor, change, enhance, build upon, update.
- One model flow, makes writes slower, cause write is coupled with read in this approach. So CQRS makes for a nice speed bump.
Commands and Events
Command is a user intent to do something — to perform some action. This action may or may not be possible to perform, it is the business rules that decides about in particular case. Those rules live in a model that responds to the invoked command. Event is something that describes what happened (in the past form, as this already happened and cannot be rejected like a Command). it is a result produced by a model from a Command invoked on it. Aggregate is the model, containing rules
Example of all this working together:
require 'rails_event_store'
require 'aggregate_root'
require 'arkency/command_bus'
Rails.configuration.to_prepare do
Rails.configuration.event_store = RailsEventStore::Client.new
Rails.configuration.command_bus = Arkency::CommandBus.new
AggregateRoot.configure do |config|
config.default_event_store = Rails.configuration.event_store
# Subscribe event handlers below
Rails.configuration.event_store.tap do |store|
store.subscribe(Movies::OnMovieAddedToRepertoire, to: [Movies::MovieAddedToRepertoire]) #READ MODEL SUBSCRIBES TO EVENT
store.subscribe_to_all_events(->(event) { Rails.logger.info(event.type) })
Rails.configuration.command_bus.tap do |bus|
bus.register(Movies::AddMovieToRepertoire, Movies::OnMovieAddedToRepertoire.new(
imdb_adapter: OpenStruct.new(fetch_number: "Mocked"))
# Bounded Context for movies
module Movies
require_dependency 'movies/movie' #aggregate root
require_dependency 'movies/movie_added_to_repertoire' #event
require_dependency 'movies/on_movie_add_to_repertoire' #command handler
require_dependency 'movies/add_movie_to_repertoire' #command itself
require 'aggregate_root'
module Movies
class Movie
include AggregateRoot
AlreadyInRepertoire = Class.new(StandardError)
MovieOutdated = Class.new(StandardError)
MissingPublisher = Class.new(StandardError)
def initialize(id)
@id = id
@state = :draft
@tickets = []
def add_to_repertoire(imdb_id, publisher)
raise AlreadyInRepertoire if @state == :in_repertoire
raise MovieOutdated if @state == :outdated
raise MissingPublisher unless publisher
apply MovieAddedToRepertoire.new(data: {movie_id: @id, imdb_id: imdb_id, publisher: publisher})
on MovieAddedToRepertoire do |event|
@publisher_id = event.data[:publisher_id]
@imdb_id = event.data[:imdb_id]
@state = :in_repertoire
Command is the thing that gets called for example in controller, and then the whole chain follow of command handler, and Read Model accessing the applied event data. Command and command handler:
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Movie
class AddMovieToRepertoire < Command
attribute :movie_id, Types::UUID
attribute :publisher, Types::Publisher
alias :aggregate_id :movie
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Movies
class OnMovieAddToRepertoire
include CommandHandler
def initialize(imdb_adapter:)
@imdb_adapter = imdb_adapter
def call(command)
with_aggregate(Movie, command.aggregate_id) do |movie|
imdb_number = imdb_adapter.fetch_number
movie.add_to_repertoire(imdb_number, command.customer_id)
attr_accessor :imdb_adapter
Read Model (this those not sit in bounded context in this approach, it is located in app/read_models/movies)
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Movies
class OnMovieAddedToRepertoire
def call(event)
movie = Movie.find_by(uid: event.data[:movie_id])
movie.number = event.data[:movie_number]
movie.customer = Publisher.find(event.data[:publisher]).name
movie.state = "in_repertoir"
And finally, the event:
#frozen_string_literal: true
module Movies
class MovieAddedToRepertoire < Event
attribute :movie_id, Types::UUID
attribute :imdb_number, Types::ImdbNumber
attribute :publisher, Types::Publisher
So now, the whole chain of events, commands etc can be started like this.
Movies::AddMovieToRepertoire.new(movie_id: params[:movie_id], publisher: publisher)